Monday, January 08, 2007

Office of Open Government

January 5, 2007

Joann Carrin, Director, Office of Open Government
Office of the Governor
The Capitol
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0001

Dear Ms. Carrin,

Congratulations on your well-deserved appointment to your current position. The continuity of quality government depends upon the retention, promotion and dedication of valuable public servants such as you.

I am contacting you with the express intent of availing the City of Alachua of your services in the area of open government. We make every effort here to comply with all applicable State and local laws and regulations. However, as with any endeavor, rarely are the correct pathways totally illuminated, but, instead, appear to be fraught with conflicting opinions or interpretations.

In terns of Government in the Sunshine and the public records laws, questions continually arise. Sometimes, these questions are resolved by legislative action which clears up confusing provisions of the law, but, in many instances, such relief is months or years away, and we must depend on our best judgment or legal guidance. It appears that Governor Crist has taken the initiative in resolving many of these questionable areas by instituting the office you head.

We recognize the value that this effort will yield for all state and governmental agencies and, ultimately, for the public. Our intent is to become a model City in terms of transparency and compliance in governance. To that end, we wish to explore how we can begin a dialogue with your office, and avail ourselves of your resources and guidance.

Please let me know the most direct and efficient avenues to explore to further our effort. If we can request on-site consultation with your personnel, please let us know. If we need to send select City staff to your location, we are eager to do so. In other words, with your able assistance, we stand ready to do whatever we need to do to achieve our goal as the most open and accessible City in Florida.


Clovis Watson, Jr.
City Manager

Cc: Governor Charlie Crist
Lieutenant Governor Jeff Kottkamp
Madam Mayor & Commissioners
City Attorney Marian Rush


At Mon Jan 08, 10:29:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I suspect that all the talk by Charlie Grapski that he couldn't get public records is greatly exaggerated. Robert Rush wrote a letter to the editor that the city had given him all that he asked.

Now it looks like Clovis has taken the next step to put the city out front of this type of misinformation.


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